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Effortless Meditation Introductory Course
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Belief Systems, Teachers and Doctrines (6:45)
What is meditation? (8:01)
Structure & First Assignment (4:00)
Part I: Meditation on Twin Hearts for Peace and Illumination
One: Introduction to and the Meditation on Twin Hearts for Peace & Illumination (32:00)
Two: The Meditation and Empathy (2:53)
Three: The Meditation and Compassion (4:03)
Four: The Meditation and Recommended Reading
Five: The Meditation and Reflection
Part II: AUM/OM Mantra Meditation
One: Introduction to and Aum/OM Meditation (7:37)
Two: The Meditation and Experience Seeking
Three: The Meditation and Recommended Reading
Four: The Meditation and Our Bodies Our Senses
Five: The Meditation and Reflection
Part III: Metta, Loving Kindness Meditation
One: Introduction to and Metta Meditation {Loving Kindness} (8:39)
Two: The Meditation and Distractions (4:22)
Three: The Meditation and Recommended Reading
Four: The Meditation and Benefits of Meditation (3:24)
Five: The Meditation and Reflection
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